Saturday, August 31, 2019

Prison makes bad people worse Essay

In the year 2002, there were just over 68,000 persons in prison in England and Wales, 6,000 in Scotland and 1,200 in Northern Ireland. In the case of England and Wales, this is a few thousand more than in 1999, but at this time the plateau stood in marked comparison to the trend up to 1997-8 and it was by no means certain that this could be maintained, (Morgan, 2002). These findings serve to highlight the progressive increase in rising prison numbers in the UK the causes of which are continually in debate and beg the question; what happens when there is no more room left in our prisons? For the purpose of this essay, this author assumes that the statement â€Å"prison makes bad people worse† infers that an offender, who serves a custodial sentence, is more likely to re-offend upon release. Before evaluating this statement and reaching a conclusion, this author will introduce a brief history of the prison system in an attempt to offer an understanding of how imprisonment has become the most severe penalty imposed on offenders in the UK today. Prisons all over the world have existed for many years for the purpose of confining those in society who have committed a crime serious enough to warrant such a sentence. The purpose of prison is now not only to inflict a punishment but also to attempt to rehabilitate offenders contrasting with the early days of imprisonment where little rehabilitative work was done. A custodial sentence is now the most severe penalty that an offender can be sentenced to in the UK following the abolition of the death penalty in 1965. Imprisonment is intended to punish offenders through restricting freedom and liberty as well as unfavourable living conditions in the name of ‘less eligibility’, (Morgan, 2002). This in no way is intended to suggest that conditions in prisons are inhumane although reports exist from previous investigations that would suggest otherwise. Punishment for offenders was served in a very different manner prior to the nineteenth century. Punishments at this time in the main consisted of physical punishment which would often involve torture, public humiliation and even execution. After decades of this type of punishment being administered, the torture and public humiliation elements ceased. The infliction of physical pain was replaced by the principle that the loss of rights and wealth would serve as an adequate deterrent for further offending. Although this altered form of punishment apparently focused on the mind of the individual, it could still be argued that custodial sentences still impose an element of physical torture indirectly by food rationing, sexual deprivation and solitary confinement. These aspects of punishments are still relevant within the penal system today, (Flynn, 1998). Many different explanations exist for why this change from physical punishment to imprisonment came about, one of which argues that the reason for the shift was due to humanitarianism and reform which would offer a more humane and civilised alternative to the methods of previous years, (Wilson, Ellis, Mikulski, & Nash, 2003). An opposing argument suggested that this was not the case and that the defining of a new age and more effective punishment by focusing on the reform of offenders into the ‘disciplined subject’ were the main reasons for this shift in operation, (Foucault, 1977). Despite this argument, one of the most influential factors associated with how prisons operate in the UK today is the concept of human rights. The 1998 Human Rights Act governs these rights. Along with this, the Prisons Inspectorate introduced guidelines on what factors should constitute a healthy custodial environment based on international human rights principles. Arising from the World Health Organisation’s influence, four tests are used to identify whether a healthy custodial environment is present. Firstly, prisoners must be held in safety. Secondly, they must be treated with respect and dignity as human beings. Thirdly, they must be able to engage in purposeful activity, and lastly, prisoners must be prepared for resettlement into the community prior to release, (Owers, 2003). Because of the unpleasantness of imprisonment it is necessary for this type of punishment to be justified. Prison can be very unpleasant for many offenders as their liberty is severely reduced, their contact with family and friends is minimised, and it can infer many social disadvantages that may lead to offenders becoming socially excluded upon their release from custody. In order to justify imprisonment as a viable punishment, numerous theories or arguments have been introduced in an attempt to support this sentencing option. One argument that attempts to justify imprisonment is the concept of Reductionism. This argument suggests that custodial sentences reduce the number of crimes committed. Those in agreement with this theory also argue that the number of crimes committed will be less if someone is punished in this manner, than there would be if no punishment were imposed at all, (Cavadino & Dignan, 1997). This theory also suggests that society as a whole, has a greater influence than the individual and therefore an offender would be powerless to justify not going to prison if he/she had committed a crime that endangered public safety, (Abercrombie, Hill, & Turner, 1988). However, it could be argued that this theory suggests that crimes are only committed by those who are in prison ignoring the concept that there are many in society committing crimes that have never been caught. Deterrence is another theory used to justify imprisonment as an appropriate punishment by arguing that people will not offend because they are too fearful of the consequences should they be caught as the punishment is seen as too severe. There are two elements to this theory, firstly there is individual deterrence which suggests that an offender will not re-offend because the punishment they received last time was so severe that it has deterred them from doing it again. Secondly, there is general deterrence which argues that a punishment imposed on one offender for a crime will deter others from offending, as they know exactly what the consequences are. At first glance, deterrence theory appears to hold validity, but in reality research findings have indicated that sentencing offenders to custodial sentences has a more influential effect. Once an offender has been in prison they may find themselves labelled by the rest of society and categorised into a stereotype with unfavourable connotations. This may hinder their attempts to live lawful lives for example; problems getting a job and even psychological effects, which may become apparent in their behaviour, (Cavadino & Dignan, 1997). This evidence could be used to support the argument that prison does make people worse. Rehabilitation theory suggests that some forms of punishment can actually reduce the likelihood of re-offending and alter an offender’s behaviour and attitude. Together the prison service and the probation service are heavily involved with rehabilitation as well as the treatment and training of offenders, (Wilson et al, 2003). As a main aim of the prison service to assist in the rehabilitation of offenders, the provision of accredited programmes such as PASRO (Prisons Addressing Substance Related Offending) and ETS (Enhanced Thinking Skills) attempt to address prisoners’ offending behaviour whilst in prison. However, a report by the Social Exclusion Unit found that the prison experience causes such damage to an offenders’ rehabilitation that it outweighs the effectiveness of the programmes, (Solomon, 2003). Another criticism of the penal system is that many offenders are sentenced to such short periods of custody that they are unable to gain access to any rehabilitative interventions. This evidence could also suggest that prison can make bad people worse. The theory of incapacitation implies more emphasis on public protection rather than the behaviour of offenders which coincidently is another main remit of the probation service. Quite simply, this theory argues that if an offender is in custody they are unable to commit crime and therefore ensuring public safety for the duration of the sentence giving piece of mind to members of society, (Ainsworth, 2000). It could be argued that this theory fails to recognise that crime often occurs within prisons including violence, bullying and drug offences. Another criticism of this theory is that as mentioned earlier, the public will only be protected in this manner for the duration of a sentence. Lastly, retribution theory holds that punishment is imposed on an offender to redress the balance between offenders and their victims in making sure that the offender suffers for their crime. Ainsworth (2000), recognises that seeing an offender incarcerated may make the victims feel that justice has been done. However, this is often not the case as many offenders receive sentences that the victim may feel does not reflect the harm that has been caused to them as a result of the offence. Now that some of the justifications for imprisonment have been discussed, it is now possible to explore conformity within prisons which may assist in reaching a conclusion on whether the statement â€Å"prison makes bad people worse† can be justified. Conformity, a theory closely linked with labelling theory, suggests that an individual may conform to social rules or may even assume a social role because it is recognised as the norm in their environment. Heavily influenced by the levels of power, social roles exist predominantly in the prison environment especially between prison officers and offenders. One study that attempted to explore power dynamics and how easy it is to assume a role was conducted in August 1971 by psychologist Philip Zimbardo and was named the Stanford Prison Experiment. Twenty-five male volunteers took part in the experiment and were taken to a mock prison where each person was assigned a role of either prisoner or guard. The guards had the authority to dictate 24 hour a day rules to the prisoners the results of which were shocking and are still referred to today. A number of prisoners had to be released due to mental health illnesses arising from the trauma of the situation. The experiment, which was intended to last for two weeks, was terminated after six days due to the pathological reactions of the prisoners who ironically had been selected for their normality. The findings were that the environment transformed the participants and after a few days, the role dominated the person, (Alexander, 2001). This experiment highlighted social power as the being the major factor in the participant’s behaviour as all the guards at some point displayed abuse, authoritarian attitudes, and appeared to enjoy being in control. Zimbardo argued that this abnormal behaviour is a product of transactions within an environment that supports this behaviour. The labels placed upon the participants became valid in this environment and pathological behaviour was the outcome, (Wilson et al, 2003). This experiment still has implications for the prison system today in that Zimbardo argued that the current prison system is guaranteed to cause severe pathological reactions within prisoners causing a debasement of their humanity, low self esteem and making it difficult to integrate into society outside of prison, (Wilson et al, 2003). This would suggest that labelling and conformity theories are a case for prison making bad people worse. Whilst in prison an offender may assume a role that could be continued upon their release. Zimbardos’ experiment provides an adequate basis for discussing the sociological theory of a prison subculture sometimes referred to as the inmate code. The prison society exists apart from the rest of society and therefore it is understandable that norms and values are very different between the two. Sykes (1958) found that the inmate code is something that may give a prisoner an identity and help them to cope with the effects of imprisonment. The code is thought to include certain rules such as not fraternising with staff, acquiring a position in the inmate ‘pecking order’, and giving the impression of toughness in emotion and physical appearance. Clemmer (1940) argued this to be part of the prisonisation process which arguably reinforces criminal behaviour as prisoners become used to opposing authority which is likely to continue in the outside world, (Cited in Morgan, 2002). Therefore, attempts at rehabilitation may be hindered by this and could be used to argue that prison makes bad people worse. So what statistical evidence is there to support the statement â€Å"prisons make bad people worse†? Reports into the subject have found that prisons have a poor record in reducing re-offending and that 59% of offenders are reconvicted within two years of release. For male youths under the age of twenty-one, the reconviction rate is 74% over the same period of time. Research findings from the Social Exclusion Unit have indicated that re-offending by ex-prisoners costs society approximately ? 11 billion each year and that they are responsible for one in five recorded crimes, (Solomon, 2003). This evidence would appear to suggest that people who have served custodial sentences have been made worse by the experience and that imprisonment is not an effective punishment. Contributing to this argument is the theory that these statistics are only obtained from recorded crime suggesting that the figures may in reality be significantly higher as many crimes are not recorded. In conclusion it would appear that there is much evidence to support the claim that prison makes bad people worse such as the statistical evidence revealing reconviction rates. On the other hand, there are also arguments for prison as an effective punishment such as the justifications for imprisonment including rehabilitation and deterrence theories. It would appear that prison does indeed have an influence on some prisoners re-offending but it would be difficult to assume that this is the case for all offenders who have served a custodial sentence. This would suggest that for some offenders prison is effective and for others it is not. Having said this, it is important to recognise that prison does ensure public safety from offenders who pose danger to society, but only for the period they are in custody unless they emerge from prison rehabilitated. For those offenders who could be dealt with in another manner, community penalties offer the versatility in sentencing options necessary to provide effective punishment without contributing to the growing problem of increasing prison numbers. It is therefore vital that the most appropriate punishment is imposed individually taking the crime and the offenders’ circumstances into account when sentencing.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator Prince Henry the Navigator Prince Henry the Navigator was born 1394 and died 1460. Even know he died doesn't mean I can’t refresh your memory about him. Prince Henry was a Portuguese royal prince, solider, and patron of explores. Henry sent many sailing expeditions. Prince Henry father is of King John I of Portugal and his English wife, Philippa of Lancaster. When he was 21, Prince Henry attacked the Moslem port of Ceutha in north Morocco. This successful attack in 1415 inspired Prince Henry to explore Africa, most of which was unknown to Europeans. Prince Henry created the school of navigation.About 1418, Prince Henry started the first school for oceanic navigation along with an observatory at Sagres, Portugal. In this school, people were trained in navigation, map-making, and science, in order to sail down the west of Africa. Prince Henry of Navigation traveled all over the place like West Africa at this time, no Europeans had sailed past the treac herous Cape Bojador and returned alive. Cape Bojador is on the coast of Africa just below latitude. Prince Henry the Navigator established his own court at Sagres and sponsored voyages of discovery in the Madeira Island and along the western coast of Africa.As grand master of the Order of Christ, he gained funds for backing voyages aimed at the conversion of pagans. His patronage led to development of the Portuguese caravel and improved navigational instruments and the advancement cartography. See I told you can learn a lot from reading my essay I bet you barely knew some of the things I told you I even learned a lot to. Bibliography http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Henry_the_Navigator#Early_life http://www. enchantedlearning. com/explorers/page/h/henry. shtml

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Family Branding

Family branding is a marketing strategy that involves selling several related products under one brand name. Family branding is also known as umbrella branding. It contrasts with individual product branding, in which each product in a portfolio is given a unique brand name and identity. There are often economies of scope associated with family branding since several products can be efficiently promoted with a single advertisement or campaign. Family branding facilitates new product introductions by evoking a familiar brand name, which can lead to trial purchase, product acceptance, or other advantages. Family branding imposes on the brand owner a greater burden to maintain consistent quality. If the quality of one product in the brand family is compromised, it could impact on the reputation of all the others. For this reason family branding is generally limited to product lines that consist of products of similar quality. 2. Family branding is a type of marketing tactic. It involves using one brand name to market multiple products. For example, a company may use one brand to market soap, lotion, hair shampoo, and nail polish. This differs from branding individual products, which involves giving each product its own name and image. For example, a company may sell lipstick and nail polish, giving each product line a separate marketing identity. The idea behind family branding is that a company can make a wide range of products both desirable and profitable by giving them all one recognizable name. Then, by building recognition of this brand name, a company can also build customer loyalty. When the company introduces new products or even makes changes to existing products, it can depend on customer loyalty to ensure its market will purchase the new or altered product. Additionally, family branding, makes it possible to use an advertising campaign to successfully market a range of products instead of just one at a time. Often, companies in the food industry use family branding techniques to market their products. For example, a company may make and sell bread, potato chips, frozen food, and condiments all under one highly recognizable name. This umbrella branding may mean such companies will sell more than they would with individual branding. Some consumers are more likely to choose a product with a familiar name over one that is less well-known, even if the known brand is more expensive. . Brands – Brand names Introduction How should brand names be chosen? Is the name important? Marketing theory suggests that there are three main types of brand name: (1) Family brand names: A family brand name is used for all products. By building customer trust and loyalty to the family brand name, all products that use the brand can benefit. Good examples include brands in the food industry, including Kellogg’s, Heinz and Del Monte. Of course, the use of a family brand can also create problems if one of the products gets bad publicity or is a failure in a market. This can damage the reputation of a whole range of brands. (2) Individual brand names: An individual brand name does not identify a brand with a particular company. For example, take the case of Heinz. Heinz is a leading global food manufacturer with a very strong family brand. However, it also operates many well-known individual brand names. Examples include Farleys (baby food), Linda MacCartney Foods (vegetarian meals) and Weight Watcher’s Foods (diet/slimming meals and supplements). Why does Heinz use individual brand names when it has such a strong family brand name? There are several reasons why a brand needs a separate identity – unrelated to the family brand name: †¢ The product may be competing in a new market segment where failure could harm the main family brand name †¢ The family brand name may be positioned inappropriately for the target market segment. For example the family brand name might be positioned as an upmarket brand for affluent consumers. †¢ The brand may have been acquired; in other words it has already established itself as a leading brand in the market segment. The fact that it has been acquired by a company with a strong family brand name does not mean that the acquired brand has to be changed. (3) Combination brand names: A combination brand name brings together a family brand name and an individual brand name. The idea here is to provide some association for the product with a strong family brand name but maintaining some distinctiveness so that customers know what they are getting. Examples of combination brand names include Microsoft XP and Microsoft Office in personal computing software and Heinz Tomato Ketchup and Heinz Pet Foods. What are the features f a good brand name? Brand names should be chosen carefully since the name conveys a lot of information to a customer. The following list contains considerations that should be made before making a final choice of brand name: A good brand name should: †¢ Evoke positive associations †¢ Be easy to pronounce and remember †¢ Suggest product benefits †¢ Be distinctive â € ¢ Use numerals when emphasising technological features †¢ Not infringe existing registered brand names * Family branding is type of marketing tactic which involves the use of one brand name for the sale of several related products. For example, a company may use one brand to market soap, lotion, hair shampoo, and nail polish. It differs from the individual product branding which gives a unique brand name and identity for each product. Family branding aids the introduction of new products by invoking a popular brand name, which can lead to trial purchase, product acceptance, or other advantages. It also promotes lower marketing costs and market acceptance of its products. Family branding is also known as umbrella branding. The concept of family branding allows a company to make a wide range of products both desirable and profitable by giving them all a single brand name. The popularity attained with the brand name helps the company to build customer loyalty. When the company introduces new products or even makes changes to existing products, it can depend on customer loyalty to ensure its market will purchase the new or altered product. Furthermore, family branding allows a company to successfully market a range of products by just one advertising campaign. Family branding inflicts on the brand owner a greater burden to sustain consistent quality. Family branding is mostly limited to products that have similar quality, because any damage to the quality of one product in the brand family will affect the reputation of all the others Family brand or umbrella brand by admin on October 26, 2006 FAMILY/UMBRELLA BRAND When a group of products are given the same brand name, it becomes a case of family brand/umbrella brand. In this case, different products of the company are marketed under one brand name. The examples given below are details of some family brands. Family branding/umbrella do not mean that entire product mix of the company should go under single brand name. A company may resort to different branding approaches for different product lines. Amul is an example of family/umbrella brand. Amul is the common brand name for the companyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s milk powder, butter, ghee and milk chocolates. Vijay is the family brand name for the products of Vijay Electricals, Mixer-grinders, electric irons, electric kettles, water heaters and other products of the company go under the aâ‚ ¬? Vijayaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ brand. Videocon is a family brand name for a variety of products of Videocon Corporation. Its TVs, VCRs, refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners go under the Videocon brand name. Godrej is another family brand. Several product lines of the company and several products in each of the lines go under the brand name Godrej. The products include locks, steel cupboards, office furniture electronic typewriters, desktop printers, refrigerators, air conditioners etc. The company also uses separate brand names for some other lines. In soaps, it has individual brands like Cinthol and Ganga. In detergents, it has individual brands like key and Biz. Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s is another family brand. The company Johnson & Johnson sells many of its baby care products under the Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s brand name — Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Baby Powder, Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Baby soap, Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Baby Shampoo etc. BPL is another noteworthy family brand about five dozen products of the company go under the brand name BPL. It also happens to be the company name. In the case of Amul, it is an umbrella /family brand name for one line of products of the company. As mentioned earlier, Amul is an umbrella brand for NDDBaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s milk and milk-related and milk-related products. And Dhara is an umbrella brand for the companyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cooking oil line. Dhara is an umbrella brand for seven types of oil marketed by the company — Dhara mustard oil, Dhara groundnut oil, Dhara sunflower oil etc. Benefits of Family branding It is convenient to adopt a family brand for related products. Promotion of such products becomes easier and less expensive under a family brand. But the marketer in such cases has to ensure that all the products offered under the family brand maintain the same standards of quality. If one product in the group becomes a low quality product, it will affect the entire range of products under it. In other words, in family branding, there is a composite responsibility among the products coming under the brand. A major benefit in giving family brand name is that advertising and promotion effort can be combined for all the products falling under the family brand; the advertising budget can be stretched over several over several products. For example, Johnson and Johnson, with a wide product range in the baby care segment and medicare segment runs an ad campaign every year to promote its products. The same campaign takes care of all diverse products of the company. It is the Johnsonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s brand name that is advertised ad all the products get covered. The campaign lasting for new months every year ensures high recall value for all Johnson & Johnson products. Another advantage is that under family branding, new product launch becomes easier and cheaper. New products would enjoy a ready recognition and market set-up retailers too would find it easier to push new products under a popular ongoing brand name.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Vietnam war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vietnam war - Essay Example The loss of the money which caused the withdrawal was as a result of poor planning on the part of the military leaders on what areas to hit and the use of magnitude. They hit the wrong area and gave the Vietcongs the advantage in the end. The media also put pressure on the government to withdraw its troops and end the war after receiving tips on the progress of war, the budget and the number of deaths (Johnson 883). This pressure went international and eventually the government gave in and withdrew. Zinn insists and in great detail that the most important factor that led to the withdrawal was the massively organized civil rights movement against the involvement of US in Vietnam and especially in relation to the killings of innocent civilians (Zinn 484). They also protested against the excessive force being used by the US government in Vietnam especially the bombings and mass shootings by the CIA operatives. The other factor was the fact that the young men who had been drafted burnt their draft cards and even refused to show up at the draft office. This reduced immensely the number of drafted soldiers required to go to Vietnam by more than half. The war could not continue without soldiers and since the young men had refused to be drafted, there was no alternative but to end it. The most compelling is that of Zinn. In Johnson’s account, the US had the ability to borrow more money from other places and continue financing the war. This was therefore no major reason to end the war. However in Zinn’s account, the two major reasons provided have significant impact. If the government could not enlist enough soldiers to go to war, they would be unable to fight and hence being in an even worse place. The civil rights movement encompassing both blacks and whites and massive student organizations would jeopardize not only the

Cause and effects of Ozone Depletion Research Paper

Cause and effects of Ozone Depletion - Research Paper Example The effect of ozone depletion is more than what one would anticipate. This paper analyses the causes and effects of ozone depletion. Causes of ozone depletion â€Å"The fact that the ozone layer was being depleted was discovered in the mid-1980s. The main cause of this is the release of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons†(Ozone depletion, n. d). Ozone layer is present in the stratosphere. Majority of the refrigerators and sprays used by us contains CFC in one form or other. When we dispose these things injudiciously, CFC gets liberated from these things and reaches the stratosphere. At stratosphere, CFC’s will react with ultraviolet radiations and liberate chlorine gas. Chlorine is a highly reactive gas and it will react with Ozone (O3) and liberates oxygen (O2) molecules. Because of the high reactivity of Chlorine, each chlorine atom can destroy more than hundred thousand ozone molecules. Thus increased presence of Chlorine in stratosphere is the major reason for the depletion of ozone layer. Even though chlorine is produced from different other manmade activities, none of those chlorine reaches stratosphere because of its high solubility with water. These Chlorine atoms have the ability to reach only up to the troposphere in which it forces to combine with the rain water. â€Å"In contrast, CFCs are very stable and do not dissolve in rain. There are no natural processes that remove the CFCs from the lower atmosphere. Over time, winds drive the CFCs into the stratosphere†(Sources of ozone depletion, n. d) â€Å"Large volcanic eruptions can have an indirect effect on ozone levels. Volcanic eruptions can produce large amounts of particles called aerosols. These aerosols increase chlorine’s effectiveness at destroying ozone† (Sources of ozone depletion, n. d). Aerosols contains large amount of CFC’s which can reach up to the stratosphere. Apart from CFC, oxides of nitrogen also cause damages to Ozone layer. Supersonic Aircrafts an d space shuttles liberate oxides of nitrogen which will react with ozone layer and liberate oxygen molecules. The widespread use of artificial fertilizers may also release nitrogen oxides into the stratosphere, although this potential effect is not yet fully defined (Sources of ozone depletion, n. d).Nitrogen is one of the major contents of the chemical fertilizers. It can react with oxygen and form different oxides of nitrogen. These gases have the capacity to reach even stratosphere even though the scientific proofs are not there. Effects of ozone depletion Ozone layer depletion will increase the amount of ultraviolet radiations reaching on earth. Increased exposure to ultraviolet rays may cause chronic skin cancers like Malignant Melanoma among human beings. â€Å"Every time 1% of the ozone layer is depleted, 2% more UV-B is able to reach the surface of the planet. UV-B increase is one of the most harmful consequences of ozone depletion because it can cause skin cancer† (O zone depletion: effects, n. d). Birth defects, visual defects, lung diseases malaria etc are other diseases which can be increased among humans as a result of the increased exposure to ultraviolet radiations. Ultraviolet radiations can cause damages to plant lives also. The natural immunity of the plants could be damaged as a result of the increased exposure of ultraviolet radiations. As a result of that yields from the agricultural crops

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Elasticity of Demand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Elasticity of Demand - Assignment Example When the price elasticity of demand for a good is inelastic (|Ed| < 1), the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller than that in price. So, when the price is raised, the total revenue of producers rises, and vice versa. When the price elasticity of demand for a good is elastic (|Ed| > 1), the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than that in price. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue of producers falls, and vice versa. As an example; Company W produces a product called a widget. Company W sells their widgets for $10 and there is a demand of 10. The company had tried to raise the price to $20 previously, and the demand lowered to 5 they also changed the price to $5 and the demand rose to 25. . Company W uses the mathematical formula for measuring the price elasticity of demand in order to determine which of these options is best for the company. The formula is PEoD = (% Change in Quantity Demanded)/(% Change in Price). (Moffatt) In order to determine the elasticity of demand, Company W must first determine the percentage change in demand and price. The formulas for determining the percentage change are: In order to determine the elasticity of demand, the values are inserted into the equation first for the price at $5 [ 5-10/5] which gives a percentage of change in the price of -.0025%. The values for demand are entered [25-10/10] which gives a percentage of change in demand of .025%. These values are inserted into the formula for the elasticity of demand [ (0.025%)(-0.0025%) ] and a resulting price elasticity of demand coefficient of -0.0000625 is reached. According to Mike Moffat, â€Å"we always ignore the negative sign when analyzing price elasticity, so PEoD is always positive.†   

Monday, August 26, 2019

Please help me pick one Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Please help me pick one - Research Paper Example It starts at its peak of $173 on 5th of October 2012 and by 2th of November the following month it’s at its lowest point of about $162.6.After 2nd of November the shares are gaining value to a stunning $166.3 by 6th of the same month. The same decline is shown by the trend line which indicates the average closing stock shares reducing from $172 on 5th October 2012 to about $163.5 on 6th of November. A different trend is exhibited for the United States Oil closing shares. Shares are stable as for 10 days with minimal fluctuations from 8th of October. This is after a rise from decline for previous days(shares are at 33.5 on 5th October).Between 18th and 24th of October, closing shares drop to about 31.7 from 34.1 after which they stabilize again though at about 31.7.Closing stocks hit their lowest value(about 31.3) on 2nd November after which it begins to gain value again. The value of Shares relates directly to value of gold/oil held by the Trust therefore fluctuations in gold/oil price materially affected investment in the Shares. The price of gold/oil fluctuated over these period. These were due to; Global gold/oil supply and demand, Purchases, sales, production and cost levels in key gold/oil-producing countries (i.e. South Africa, the United States and Australia for gold and Saudi Arabia, Iran and Nigeria for Oil),Investors’ anticipations with respect to inflation rate, Currency exchange rates, Rates of Interest, political, economic and financial instability worldwide The value of Shares relates directly to value of gold/oil held by the Trust therefore fluctuations in gold/oil price materially affected investment in the Shares. The price of gold/oil fluctuated over these period. These were due to; Global gold/oil supply and demand, Purchases, sales, production and cost levels in key gold/oil-producing countries (i.e. South Africa, the United States and Australia for gold and Saudi Arabia, Iran and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Synthesis and analysis on Total quailty control book by Armand V Essay

Synthesis and analysis on Total quailty control book by Armand V. Feigenbaum - Essay Example According Basu (2006), quality is never â€Å"optional† for the organization but necessary that ensures the continuity of a business. They believe that through total quality management the business is able to increase the quality of their service delivery and that of products. However, Armand (2008) believes that there need for â€Å"total† approach to quality and in specific points out to total quality control as the way forward to satisfy the customer needs. According to ISO 8402 total quality management can be defined as an approach of a company, that is intended to focus on quality delivery. Farther the ISO definition states that quality should be the duty of all the members of staff and not the managers alone and this is in line to Armands believe to quality delivery. Thus total quality management involves the employees, and other members of staff in coming up with ways of satisfying the quality of a product, process quality and organizational quality. Armand thus believes that with total quality control everybody in the organizations works hard to achieve the goals of the organization and works towards customer satisfaction. Previously, research had proposed on the need of quality for the success of any business organization (Beckford, 2005). However, Armand (2008) came up with the idea of total quality control in the success of a business. He believed that through total quality management in organizations was the way forward in realizing the quality of a product during the manufacturing process and, hence satisfying the need of consumers as they are the main reasons of being in business. This idea meant that all processes and the units used in the manufacturing of a product need to be focused on the final delivery of a high quality product. The organization should therefore be the one responsible for the high quality product. The organization according to him consists of the management, the employees and all other

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Changes in Higher Learning Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changes in Higher Learning - Research Proposal Example This implies that there are the great emphasis and increased focus on what specific majors translate to in terms of a job. The increased concentration on careers that follow after college education has led to an abandonment of some majors, mainly arts, which cannot be easily related to the desired careers. As a result of this abandonment, institutions have also started changing and focusing more on professional majors. According to Breneman’s research, many art colleges were shifting attention and focusing more on professional fields (Baker, Baldwin and Makker 2012, para. 4). This implies that some majors may totally be forgotten in the future if this shift continues. The shift to professional fields could be greatly be attributed to economic changes and need for more finances. Liu, et al. argued that many students are more concerned about well-paying jobs hence increased focus on a qt professional job as opposed at arts that may arguably be seen to basically provide meaningful philosophies of lift. in Baker, Baldwin and Makker 2012, para.5). Zernike echoes this basing her argument on a survey carried out by the University of California that showed a great shift of focus on comparing student’s goals in 1971 and 2009. â€Å"In 2009, 78 percent of freshmen students were more focused on wealth while only 48 percent were after meaningful philosophy as opposed to 1971 where only 37 percent were focused on wealth while 73 percent were focused on meaningful philosophy† (2009, para.7).  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Communication Skills in a Cross-Culturally diverse Workplace Research Paper

Communication Skills in a Cross-Culturally diverse Workplace - Research Paper Example It means languages and gestures alone can have effects on people from various cultures. In today’s business environment employees ought to be cautious to make sure that their intended information are comprehended plainly. Forbidden topics of discussion, impartiality in political, spiritual and social topics vary across cultures thus creating a challenge for workmates to find a level ground when conversing. Not long ago it was a common practice for business practitioners to create their distinct communication methods in handling suppliers, customers and partners. However presently corporate mangers must take the initiative to learn the cultural differences among their organizations before trying to build a relationship with individuals from other nations. For example a Texan oil baron has to recognize that grabbing his Chinese suppliers arm in a solid grasp is a bad gesture however a slight smile and bow are the suitable mode of greeting. David (2010) notes that body language and verbal communication are more crucial today than before in handling global business because innocent mannerisms, handshakes, and posture can lead to conflict between employees from different cultures of business associates. When change is taking place in an organization communication is further more necessary to carry out that change efficiently. Yet one major issue for present businesses is that transformation is not always relayed effectively. Poor communication during business transformation is said to have a negative impact in the manner in which organizations operate Zaremba (2003). For instance poor communication can lead to opposition to transformation also act as wider harmful influence on business culture? The objective of this research paper is to examine effective transformation communication in the work environment. Regardless of the significance of communication to prosperous business change, how practitioners and experts visualize

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Analyse Conan Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles Essay Example for Free

Analyse Conan Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles Essay These two findings are very important as they provide the reader with shocking information. This is because we discover that Mr and Mrs Stapleton are actually husband and wife. Even more we realise that Mr and Mrs Stapleton are actually the Vandeleurs. As a result of this great deception the finger points to Mr and Mrs Stapleton as being the murderers. This information is the most vital information which will help to solve the mystery. There are points in the novel where events simply provide Watson and Holmes with information. The events which provide information are almost always false leads which create a sense of uncertainty as to who is the criminal. Go back to London! Start tonight! Hush my brother is coming! chapter 7 This quote is said by Miss. Stapleton to Dr. Watson as she mistakes him for Sir Henry. This prompts Watson to investigate further into the Stapletons as it is very mysterious as to why she would like Sir Henry to go back to London. This is because she doesnt want her brother Mr. Stapleton to find out that she has said this and when she discovers that she was actually talking to Watson she takes back her comment. This was actually a false lead as we discover in the later part of the investigation, which was put in by Conan Doyle so the reader is kept in suspense as to whether she had a hand in the death of Sir Charles until the di nouement. Even though there is the interviewing of people in THOTB, they dont provide their own version of events of the crime. Dr. Mortimer is the only person who really provides Holmes with information of what he thought happened at the murder scene. Conan Doyle has used a different approach to the nature of the investigation because most of the information is gathered behind the scenes or events provide information. By doing this Conan Doyle has made his novel unique and perhaps more interesting than the typical investigation as there is a greater anticipation as to whom the killer could be. Sherlock Holmes fits the profile of a classic detective very well and this is evident in THOTB from the start of the novel. The detective is usually more or less socially isolated and referred to as a loner. We can see this in THOTB from the fact that Holmes only socialises with Watson, but then one could argue that he only socialises with Watson because he enhances his intellect by comparison. Holmes does not have any family and the fact that he rests upon the moor for a lengthy period of time suggests that he is used to being alone. I knew that seclusion and solitude were very necessary for my friend in these hours of intense mental concentration in which he weighed every particle of evidence

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gender segregated schools Essay Example for Free

Gender segregated schools Essay The Benefits and Disadvantages of Single-Sex Education Schools in early 17th century America were fist modeled after English learning institutions after Puritans immigrated over to the English colonies. Originally only rich white males were allowed to attend school to learn how to read and write. In many cases, most parents placed their boys into the nine month long curriculum to keep them out of mischief. For the other three months of the year, students would be released from school during the summer months to lend a hand on their familys arms to help cultivate the land and raise animals. During the summer months, wealthy white girls attended these same schools often taught by a female instructor to learn to read and write. Of the girls who could attend the schools, many were kept at home to be taught the essentials for their future such as cooking, sewing, and the caretaking of babies and toddlers (A Short History). Fast forward one hundred years and the first coeducational schools can be found appearing in the American colonies, primarily the New England area. In these schools the major focus was to teach children how to read, specifically for religious purposes. The likely cause of the integration of boys and girls in schools is thought to be stemmed from growing numbers of female church numbers and the practical requirements of finding enough children to support schools in sparsely populated regions making schools more practical to spread religion (A Short History). After the revolutionary war, American citizens saw that womens education was important and was needed to promote good citizens and great leaders in society. With this state of mind, many private schools opened their doors to coeducation and allowed both boys and girls to attend school together. Until the late 1840s, only rich white boys and girls were allowed to attend schools because there was no government funded schools. That changed when reformers Horance Mann and Henry Barnard succeeded with their efforts to promote a free public school system. This finally allowed all white children to attend schools together for free. The only exception to gender-integrated schools where catholic families who objected the practice of coeducation on moral and religious grounds and that males and females had profoundly different purposes to fulfill (A Short History). Because of this many catholic schools remained segregated y gender. In the early 1900s many schools created classes specifically to prepare boys and girls for their future. Girls were taught home economics and traditionally feminine labor skills, such as secretarial work and or garment-making while boys were educated in industrial arts, bookkeeping, and commercial geography (A Short History). These classes were introduced for the importance of the growing labor market of the time period. In todays society, some parents are faced with placing their children in gender- segregated schools or in public schools to better benefit their children. The problem brains of the two genders learn different subjects at different ages. So, with this, boys or girls have an advantage over each other. The same happens when puberty becomes a factor in adolescence as well as in high school with distractions. On the other side, there are also benefits to public schools such as socialization with the opposite sex and better preparation for the real world. Then there are gender segregated schools that better accommodate teaching methods and times for specific sexes as well as better grades, less competition, and fewer distractions. Again there re bad sides to this too, such as less socializing and less competition to prepare someone for their future Job. With all of these factors, any parent faced with a decision like this will have a hard time figuring out what type of education their child should receive. One of the major arguments people make supporting gender-segregated schools is the fact that boys and girls brains differ in many different aspects. Whether it is an emotional difference or the structure of the brain, one gender will do better in class than the other. In 2007, a team of neuroscientists from the National Institute of Mental Health conducted a study on subjects ranging in age from three to twenty- seven years old both male and female. Their results showed that the occipital lobe of the brain where visual processing is mostly associated with is developed much more rapidly in six to ten year old girls, as opposed to the male brain where this lobe does the majority of its development after fourteen years of age (Novotney). Another major brain difference between the girls and boys is that a girls corpus callosum is twenty- five percent larger than a boys, making girls better at multitasking. A girls prefrontal ortex also develops earlier and larger than that of a boy, making girls better at abstract thinking and thought analysis as well as making better choices between right and wrong (McBride). Meanwhile, the cerebral cortex where mechanical and spatial thinking is conducted is used much more in boys. This results in boys having an easier time learning with movement and pictures as opposed to girls. With these different developed sections of the brain, girls gain an upper hand in classrooms over boys by ways of better listening, sensory memory, and especially reading and writing. However, boys gain an upper hand over girls in math as Leonard Sax a Ph. D. in psychology and author of Why Gender Matters explains: [the] fact that many middle-school boys seem to learn algebra better when you start with numbers, whereas many same-age girls seem to be more engaged if you start with a word problem. For example, if you are teaching equations in multiple variables, the typical 7th-grade boy will do better if you begin by asking If x + 2y = 60, and 2x + y = 90, how do we solve for x and y? But the typical 7th-grade girl will be more engaged if you begin by asking If a sweater and two blouses cost $60, and two sweaters and a louse cost $90, how much does each blouse and each sweater cost? (Sax 15). By splitting boys and girls in school, a teacher can adjust a test to where the two genders of students both benefit from word or equation only math problems. According to Lisa Damour, Co-director of the Center for Research on Girls at Laurel school, a girls day school claims that the benefit of single-sex schools is that they offer the dynamic of having only one sex in the classroom at a time, creating girls class that would not work as effectively in a boys class and vice versa (Novotney). That way boys and girls are taught the same subject at different times in a better gender specified manner. Many studies have statistically shown support towards gender-segregated schools as being better for students in both education and even personality. A study was conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania studying schools in Seoul South Korea that randomly assigned students to either attend a coed or gender-segregated school. In these schools, all students were from different socioeconomic backgrounds. The results of this study found that girls in gender- egregated schools were more likely to attend college after graduation as compared to girls at coeducational schools; the same appeared in boys of both types of schools. Both boys and girls in these gender-segregated schools made higher test scores than coed schools in the same city. In another study conducted by Betta Hannover and her colleague Ursula Kessels found that American girls in girl only schools were more comfortable with physics. The National Foundation for Educational Research in England also supports that boys and girls do better on test scores and overall grades as compared to coed students regardless of background factors. The study also backs up the Hannover and Kessels study by finding that girls at single-sex schools were more likely to take non-traditional courses courses which run against gender stereotypes (Single-Sex). Student grades at single-sex schools could be better than expected by both boys and girls because boys and girls in the single sex schools are more comfortable enrolling in contradicting gender-stereotypical classes, like girls interested in computer science, and boys in art. These classes could seem a bit more difficult for some students bringing their overall grade down a bit even if it is in egard to students in different nations or here in America. Researcher for the Australian Council for Educational Research Cornelius Riordan found that most boys and girls who attend single-sex catholic schools were from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, yet these students obtained better grades than coed students (Single- Sex). This backs the study done by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, that socioeconomic background does not play a major role on a students grades as thought by many people who oppose single-sex schools. Riordan also found that students in these catholic schools view learning in a more positive manner which ould be another reason as to why students in single-sex schools do much better than coed students. In another study conducted in Jamaica by Marlene Hamilton found that students attending single-sex schools out preformed students in coed schools in almost every subject tested which confirmed the research done in Australia, South Korea, England, and America (Single-Sex). With many studies on students all over the world being consistent, it proves that single-sex schools are better for a students education. Not only do single-sex schools benefit a students education, but their overall focus and character as well. At Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Seattle, principle Benjamin Wright led the movement of the schools traditional coed classroom setting to single-sex classrooms. Before this transition he would address over thirty misbehaving children a day, eighty percent of which were boys. In regard to the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, the single-sex classrooms, there were on average one or two students sent to the office for misbehavior a day. The boys reading average rose to sixty-six percent while their writing average also went up to fifty-three percent (Single-Sex). All of this was done under the same teachers for boys and girls. At an inner-city high school in Montr ©al who underwent the same type of transition also saw positive results. The number of students skipping class dropped by thirteen percent to Just seven percent. Fifteen percent more of students passed their final exams as opposed to before where sixty- five passed. Finally, the rate of students continuing their education in college doubled what it used to be before the switch. With these consistent positive results, many schools will turn to the idea of following these footsteps and transition to single-sex schools or classrooms to benefit all students in their education and haracter. Although segregating students by gender has its positive results, it also has negative results in students psychologically and socially. New York Times writer Tamar Lewin stresses the strongest argument against single-sex education is that it reduces boys and girls opportunities to work together, and reinforces sex stereotypes (Lewinl). By splitting the two genders apart, students will not know how to properly work together or even communicate with one another. According to the American Psychological Association, school is preparation for the adult life and how oys and girls learn to interact will dictate relationships formed in the workplace (Saunders). As students are separated by gender, they miss vital chances to work with one another and build important social skills. By segregating students, they are missing out on learning those very skills needed outside of school such as an engineering firm where thoughts from multiple engineers take place. A female engineer who spent her entire school life including college in single-sex classes may feel a bit more uncomfortable speaking out her ideas to the male engineers. Not only oes this affect people in the work place, it affects their personal relationships as well, for example, a male trying to meet women to date, becomes much more difficult. If he has spent little or no time communicating with the opposite sex, he may feel shy or awkward. Elizabeth Danish explains: Part of the idea of going to school is to prepare your child for real life when they leave. There is no doubt that the real world is mixed gender rather than single sex and so that means that the best way to do this would be to emulate that in school. Further, learning to talk to members of he opposite sex is a very important skill and one that can leave you at a significant disadvantage if youve never had a chance to practice. By experimenting with relationships now when things are less serious, your child will be better at managing and finding them when they leave (Danish). She also believes that in coed schools students become more understanding of each other and are more open minded of new conditions. Danish then suggests that building a feminine side to men could help them better understand girls and reduce the changes of sexism in schools. The problem with some single-sex schools is that he ideas of men are better than girls or in some cases women are better than men begins to circulate and lowers the self-confidence and self-esteem of some students. Another problem facing single-sex classrooms is lack of trained teachers to What could be done to better benefit students in single-sex schools is to have the two genders attend the same school in different buildings. With this, students could be integrated during lunch hours and for elementary schools even recess. This way the two genders can socialize with one another and not be completely segregated throughout all twelve years of school. This socialization can help prepare boys and girls for life outside and after high school in both work life and relationships with one another. In regards to single-sex classrooms, studies show how boys are encouraged or more engaged in learning subjects can be implemented in teaching methods for specifically boys and vice versa for girls. With this, teachers can know what method of teaching works better so they can use it only for boys and only for girls. The numbers of single-sex schools have been on the rise in the past fifteen years and will continue to go up because they are proving to better benefit students education and personality. However, many advocates believe that the psychological and sociological downsides to this form of education are harmful to students and outweigh the positives.

Introduction To The Coca Cola Business Commerce Essay

Introduction To The Coca Cola Business Commerce Essay John Pemberton invented Coca Cola in 1886, which then was brought out by Asa Griggs Cangler, a business man, whose marketing strategies made coca cola, top soft drink in the 20th century. Coca Cola is a carbonated soft drink, often called as coke, is produced by the Coca-Cola Company in more than 200 countries. Coca Cola introduced other colas under the brand name like Zero, Diet, used flavours like Vanilla, Cherry, etc. Introduction to HRM An organisation has many resources like IT, financial, knowledge, human, etc. HRM is related to managing human resource, which plays a very important role in the organisation. HRM can be defined as, an organizations strategy to managing and motivating its employees and processes to increase organizations ability to enhance skill and attract more employees. Introduction to Marketing According to Kotler (1991), marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. Marketing is a strategy developed by an organization to identify, anticipate and satisfy customer needs, requirements profitably. It also deals with techniques to increase sales, businesses, and communication. It helps organization to build strong customer relationships by creating value for customers and organizations. Task 1: Employee relations Employees are very important assets and employee satisfaction plays a vital role in the development of the organization. Satisfaction from the job helps and motivates employees to work more effectively and efficiently. And if employees are not satisfied from the job, they will lose their motivation and cannot perform effectively and efficiently. So, employee relationship is very important for the organization. Coca Cola has huge human resource, as it is spread around 200 countries, so it is highly concerned regarding HRM. Employees are the driving force of business, their dedication increases operational excellence, new innovations, and other perspectives. Coca Cola understands this, so it offers employees a great place to work, where employees work to fulfil the organizational objectives but can also work to improve their personality and education, here employees are considered as associates. Coca Cola University is a virtual global university which helps employees to increase their capabilities and education, it provides practical skills and knowledge to employees to win markets and increase production, marketing, etc. Company also helps and encourages employees to pursue higher education, with providing reimbursements for undergraduate and graduate studies. Improvement in the working environment standards, which supports human rights and labour rights made coca cola, a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact Citizenship. Some other provisions are like employees are shareholders in the company, regular communications with employees to understand their problems and satisfactions, team meeting to upraise their performance, employee survey to understand the needs of employees every two years. Task 2: Communication approaches with the workforce and Grievance management Coca cola designed and launched a new system, to take care of disputes between employees and employee litigations, known as Solutions, which not only solves the problems but increases employee relationship, it practices grievance policy to get better solution which is appreciated by both organization and employee, formally or informally. Solutions is a process to identify a problem, create a solution for the problem, implement the solution and check how effective and efficient the solution is, which can help to resolve the conflict within the organization. If Solutions fails to resolve the problem then it will move to second level known as Support. Support is a process where employee will be talk to a mediator, but the mediator is within the organization itself. Here employee can talk to human resource officials or other resources given by the organization to resolve the problem. If Support fails to resolve the problem, then it will be moved to the third level known as Mediator. Medi aton is a stage where organization appoints a mediator to resolve the problem. And if this process also fails to resolve this situation then employees can get their own mediators, who get paid by the organization. Coca cola encourages employees to participate in this process to resolve the problems as it is the mandated grievance solution for the organization. Organization also provides training to employees who are interested. Task 3: Benefits of performance, rewards, role of performance appraisal, and recognising achievement In an organization every employee has a particular task to do which helps the organization to reach its goal, mainly business goals or short term goals. Performance recognition is considered as a process to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees performance. Employees performance is directly proportional to organizations growth so, coca cola formulates a strategy which relates individual performance with the organizations growth and if individuals perform well, they will receive rewards and appraisals which not only encourage employees to perform efficiently and efficiently but also make them loyal to the organization for recognizing their performance. Coca cola follows a strategy where strategic goals are formed at top level management, after that there are many individual departments, so top level management develops a strategy for each and every department which then will be taken care by the department head. Department head then develops and organizes plans, which are followed by the unit managers. Unit managers develop plans for supervisors and employees to get executed. This kind of management sets goals for each and every employee; this is what makes coca cola a leading organization. Coca cola not only helps employees to study and develop but also creates new offers and challenges for those who want to take responsibility for the organization. The rewards are set in different levels like monthly, half-yearly, and yearly. Performance rewards mainly include bonuses, increment in salary, increment in position, or change in designation. Coca cola uses PMS, which is managed through 4 stages during business cycle and has multiple objectives like annual performance review where organization appreciates top accomplishers, plan performance for the year where organization finalizes current year developments and accomplishments, rewards and recognitions where again organization recognize top performers, mid-term reviews where organizations prepares plans for competencies and gives feedback to support employees. Task 4: Performance appraisal and reward management Definitions: Reward management and Performance appraisal Armstrong and Murlis (2004) said reward management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization. Performance appraisal is process with the help of which, management examines and evaluates employees effectiveness and efficiency, which can help management to learn about employees, how to improve their work order, etc. Mainly it is used to take decision about promotions, demotions, etc. Objectives of reward system and Coca colas reward system In general rewards should support organizations strategy, should help organization to recruit more people and continue to have experienced people, increase motivation, increase psychological and emotional contract, etc. Employees motivation and determination in work plays a vital role in organizations development and growth, one of the best ways to increase motivation and determination is acknowledging the employees hard work in terms of rewards. Which not only increases confidence of that employee but it also motivates other employees. Reward management is an internal part of Human resource management in coca cola; it is not only designed to support business strategies but also designed to take care of motivating employees, increasing the performance of employees, in long term process for the organization. When employee realises that organization is monitoring and acknowledging his/her activities, employee would make sure to give the best performance he/she can give. That is exactly what the organization wants. Task 5: Financial and non-financial rewards Rewards, in general are of two types extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic rewards / financial rewards consist of performance bonus, special prizes to increase performance, presenting gifts in festivals to increase attachment with employees. Non-financial rewards include experience of autonomy, choice of which employee wants to work with or allowing employee to choose area he/she wants to work in or department they want to work in, this approach believes that financial rewards are not necessary for employees to work more effectively. Coca colas intrinsic reward system Coca cola provides monthly, half-yearly, yearly rewards. it provides AIP, annual incentive plan and annual appraisal for personal progress report for performance, employee salary increment, designation change reward. The organization provides health insurances for its employees with respect to their health and safety, and also provides protection and coverage for their vision, dental, disability, etc. Other provisions include life insurance, pension plans, saving plans, paid time off, maternity leave with half and full pay, etc. Under non-financial, organization also allows its employees to study further in their interested areas in Coca Cola University. Provides training to increase performance of the employees with respect to their jobs and knowledge. Some of the key areas to judge employee efficiency are work environment and quality, work presence / working hours, problem solving, customer satisfaction, improvement in work performance. Task 6: Marketing planning with respect to strategy development Marketing planning alone, without strategic planning makes no or less sense, strategic planning is an annual process, some times more or less. In general marketing plan consists of organizations marketing strategies; it may be used on an individual product or all the products in the organization to cover many views like, Executive overview, which helps coca cola to learn about its grip as a soft drink, on the market when compared to its competitors. Coca cola, with the help of the results can evaluate its production quality, quantity, performance, and what else it has to do to achieve more. Market review, market is an ever changing entity, so keeping track of the trends of the market is very important for coca colas survival and growth and not all the markets are same. Coca cola uses market segments, to localize itself to various markets and learns about the markets and provides its products with respect to market requirements. It also helps to learn about new threats and opportuniti es in the market and finding new markets and new products. SWOT analysis is used to learn about coca colas strengths and weaknesses which are internal objects i.e. the factors that organization can control and deal with, and opportunities and threats that coca cola is going to face, which are external factors i.e. organization has no or limited control over them. Goals and objectives, which helps coca colas mission and vision and sales objectives, that deal with how many products should be developed and how to market them and how this sale is going to help the organization to grow and develop, and it also helps coca cola to develop marketing objectives to keep tract of sales and in its growth. Marketing plan also helps to develop strategies like coca colas positioning, its products, its pricing, its distribution strategies, communication strategies, action plan and implementation, and many more. Task 7: Operational zing marketing strategy and marketing mix in coca cola Marketing mix or 4Ps is made up of product, price, promotion, and place which helps to develop business marketing strategy. Marketing mix is connected to external and internal environment so it helps to full fill the coca colas marketing objectives and plans, keeping track of changes in internal and external markets or environments. Product: A product can be a physical good or service; coca colas main products are soft drinks. Four types of products are potential, augmented, tangible, and core products. Coca colas core product is wide range of soft drinks; it also offers services like phone service, complaint about dealer, takes feedback from the customers about the product, etc. which comes under augmented products. Price: Coca colas prising strategy takes care of both the demand of the product and competitive advantage i.e. price of the soft drink is not too high that a targeted customer cannot buy and competitors can produce similar products with less price or low price that can a ffect the organizations growth. Some pricing strategies, that organization follows are competition-based pricing, cost-plus pricing, limit pricing, market-oriented pricing, etc. Place: Coca cola has wholesalers, distributors in more than 200 countries. It produces the soft drink and delivers to wholesalers and distributors with licenses, and then they will follow the organization strategies for marketing and promoting the product. Coca cola is a global organization, but it projects as it is local by taking care of local needs and producing products to support local tastes and trends. Promotion: promotion can be divided as international promotion and local promotion, coca cola as a global organization has international promotion strategy and also has local promotion strategies to attract local people like using local film, pop stars to advertise the product. Positioning also plays a role to set the image of the product, which controls the minds and feelings of the customers, it also helps in competitive advantage. Task 8 9: Supply chain and Delivery management, and Marketing plans in Coca cola According to Harland (1996), supply chain management is the management of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customer. Supply chain management involves process like, gathering raw materials, storing raw materials, work process inventory, and finished goods from the point of origin to point of delivery. Delivery management is a broader scale of project management which includes organization, administration, human resource, business functions, tactical goals, etc, that are needed to achieve what client is looking or expecting from the organization. Coca cola produces soft drink using sugar, citrus, coffee, water, and other flavours, various products are brought from the various suppliers, and supply the product to bottling partners, who manufacture bottles, to package and they product goes to wholesale and local distributors. One more important thing is developing a proper business unit to take care of this supply chain, in 2004 coca cola combined three business units in North America to make one effective and efficient integrated unit. Coca cola company doesnt has its own bottling company but it has 35% share in the largest bottling company, even though the company doesnt have a controlling share in the bottlers it does work closely with the bottling organization to monitor and evaluate their situations. Developing a perfect strategy helps organization to keep track of distributors in more than 200 countries, some of the factors that influence supply chain and delivery are like, amount of the product with respect to distributor, marketing strategies in local markets, and many more which will be taken care by the local business units located in respective local areas. Marketing plan of Coca cola Coca cola, after carefully analysing the internal and external environments and the industry/market chooses most suitable strategies which can help the organization to grow. The organization appointed many administrators to administer execution of these strategies and monitor for any changes in the market, which can be opportunities or threats. Situational analysis Here coca cola carefully gathers information about its internal and external business environments, keep track of changes and trends in the market, what the organization originally wants to do and what are the new changes or strategies to follow to overcome any radical changes in the business environment. This information contains many other aspects, one important aspect is about competitors, keeping track of competitors growth and development and activities help coca cola to stay as number one soft drink company. SWOT analysis is a powerful tool which can analyse these factors for the organization. Internal Business Environment Internal business environment consists of factors which are under the control of the organization i.e. the organization can modify them; they are Strengths and Weaknesses of the organization. Some of Coca colas strengths include, coca cola has been in the market for long time, more than 100 years, and people are emotionally attached to it. Even though it is a global organization it projects as it is local using its business units, which takes care of local needs and demands. It has a very high brand name and spread throughout the world. Some of Coca colas weaknesses include, keeping prices low and maintaining effective productivity throughout the world is not easy, organization has to keep track of all the areas, and when it is more than 200 countries it is too difficult and distracting, as organization cannot concentrate on all the areas simultaneously. The soft drink has some adverse affects on health like gas problem and caffeine which is not suitable for teenagers. Some of Coca c olas opportunities include, it is worlds leading soft drink manufacturer and brand name, its name is recognised anywhere in the world which gives it a serious competitive advantage. With this recognition it is not hard for the organization to launch any new product or enter into any new market. Some of Coca colas threats include new and local competitors and as its products are spread worldwide, many countries are not stable with respect to economy and politics, so any radical change in those countries can give adverse affects on the organization. Its competitor in the soft drink Pepsi also has a huge market and the competition between these companies is like forever, so slightest price change may result in losing the market share. Task 10: Information technology on marketing in Coca cola Coca cola uses SAP, world leading enterprise Software Corporation, which delivers variety of business solutions like FICO, which takes care of financial accounting, asset management, treasury, asset accounting, etc. HR, which takes care of human resource, employee management, payroll, workforce planning, etc. SAP Logical and Manufacturing, which takes care material management, sales and distribution, service management, etc,. SAP PLM, to take care of product life cycle management, quality planning, quality management, etc. Governance, risk, and compliance, etc. Technical components like ABAP, advanced business application programming, NetWeaver apps, to take care of business process management, knowledge management and collaboration, etc. SAP IS to take care of information system management like master data management, etc. Using this kind of extra-ordinary software Coca cola, was able to maintain it operations all over the world. As new technology growing more and more, marketing st rategies changed a lot, these new technologies helped global organizations like Coca cola to expand themselves and grow more. With the help of SAP supply chain management, organization was able to develop itself and manage many products and many distributors simultaneously, which helped it to grow. Other software products which are designed to take care of specific departments of an organization helped organizations like Coca cola to expand itself more. Internet marketing of Coca cola helped it to grow, in early 20th century it was too costly to make advertisements and to present them in TV, but it changed with internet which decreased the prises of advertisement and helped organization to reach its customers more rapidly and more efficiently, technology helped Coca cola to make reviews and take feedbacks from its customers and helped it to analyse data from the customers and sales and delivery which helps organization to make stronger strategies which can take care of rapidly evolv ing and ever changing external environments. Task 11: Portfolio model on Coca cola BCG on Coca cola, Boston Consulting Group is four celled matrix tool to analyse corporate portfolio. It provides information for an organization to test different businesses in its portfolio on the basis of related market and industry growth rate, in other words it helps to analyse business potential and evaluation of market. Star: Coca colas business units in many developing countries have a large market share, but the industry is growing fast and also has serious competition from other soft drink providers. Coca cola is making advertisements using local celebrities to increase their production which is somewhat costly, to maintain their lead. Question Marks: Generally these business units have low relative market share and located in a fast growing market. Coca cola is all over the world, and some countries have less economical stability and under developed, the business units in those places have to gain more market share, however they may take large investment. Cash Cows: these are business units which are matured and the industries they live in are slowly growing. In developed countries coca cola is so famous, everyone know about the soft drink, so it has less competitors to fear and has a strong grip on the market, these business units are matured and has a good profit rate. Dogs: these business units have weak market share in low-growth markets; Coca cola units in those countries which are losing political stability, economical stability, and recession for prolonged years can lead to weak market growth as well as because of instability business units may lose their identity or market share. Normally in this case businesses liquidate these units or develop new strategies for them. Task 12: Market segmentation in Coca cola As no two markets in two different places are same, an organization needs different marketing strategies to follow up in different markets. Market segmentation is a process by which an organization learns about individual markets and answers some question like, what is purchasing power of the customers in the market, what are their interests, number of soft drinks in the market, number of teenagers and families in the market/society, with the help of which organization can produce relevant products which thus can increase organizations growth. Coca cola has distribution centres in more than 200 countries, one of the main reasons to keep many distribution centres and local offices is to understand and act according to the local communities. One way to motivate locals is through advertising where coca cola uses local celebrities to endorse its products. Second, learning the market trends, when market started to move towards food products with less fat, coca cola launched coke zero with less than one calorie. Coca cola also introduced caffeine free coke, when health care institutions warned people about the adverse affects of caffeine. Many more products in different markets to suit the needs of the customers and to satisfy customers, coca cola uses market segmentation. Advantages with this process is, coca cola can stay on top of other soft drink companies and keep a close relation with local people, where people can get connect to the product, which increases the products and organizations growth and value in the local mark et, which again helps organization to face new competitors. Task 13: Market structure Market structure is the order in which the market is organized; it mainly depends on number of sellers, who sell identical products or services, and buyers, competition between the sellers, and the behaviour and economical strength of buyers. There are four basic market structures namely Perfect competition, Oligopoly, Monopoly, and Monophony which deal with different ratios of buyers and sellers. Undifferentiated markets: Even though Coca cola has many products, in the beginning it is mainly known for coke, a soft drink. Even coke comes in few flavours but flavoured coke wasnt a successful product for Coca cola. Worldwide the core product coke has similar taste and people recognise the taste, which helped coca cola a lot in its growth. Here the organization has to concentrate on only one product, to produce, market, advertise, and distribute, so organization doesnt need to concentrate differences within the markets and conceders whole market as single. It also helps organization to control the price of the product and maintaining products. Differentiated markets: it is a strategy which helps organization to grow sales by producing different products with respect to different market segments. Coca cola developed a strategy to produce same product with different flavours, flavours with respect to markets and communities like, vanilla flavour, cherry flavour, etc, which ware not that successful as its base product coke. However the products like zero coke, caffeine free coke, were successful in some markets. Monopoly Market: is a market where there is only one seller so, the seller has control over the product, supply and the price. Ideally this kind of markets doesnt exist in the present world. Coca cola has one major competitor in the global market, Pepsi which has similar popularity and brand name as coke. It is also a global organization, spread through many countries challenging coke at every step. Task 14: brand identity of Coca cola There are many strategies for branding, coca cola uses individual brand strategy i.e. major products designed by Coca cola has their own brand names and images like Sprit, Fanta, Thums Up, etc. and all these products operate under the name, Coca cola. Brand identity is a process in which an organization develops its unique brand name or symbol to represent all its products, in other words it is a symbol or name with which customers identifies the organization producing the product. An organizations value is directly proportional to its brand identity, i.e. how many people recognize the particular brand and how much emotionally and personally they are connected to that brand. For example Coca cola is in the market for more than 100 years, so generations lived through the development of this organization, and today many people are attached to this brand emotionally. This is a strong support for the organization, and this helps the organization to produce or experiment to produce new pr oducts and enter new markets. Even a new product, if comes under a brand name customers will buy the new product, not because they can identify the product but they identify the brand name. It also helps organization to reach its customers and understand what customers are looking from the organization. Coca cola mainly has a single product and is there for many years which helped its brand image to develop, with the help of globalization and rapid growth in technology, today coke can be found anywhere in the world, which is strengthening the brand name and identity. Few steps to follow to develop branding in general are, defining the brand, defining the brands objectives, focusing on targeted customers, identifying and removing brand barriers, and packaging and identity of the brand. Task 15: Stages of Product Life Cycle and Strategies for PLC in Coca cola PLC is group of stages or levels that a product goes through, mainly used by organization to measure life of product. PLC compares any product life with general living beings i.e. they take birth, grow, reach a maturity stage and then they die, same applies to products, products gets designed, they grow in market and reach a stage where they support organization to grow and then they die by losing its identity. PLC has 4 stages as follows Introduction: In this stage, an organization introduces a new product in to the market, in this stage the profit organization is gaining from the new product would be less than what they have invested in the production of that product. Organizations use marketing techniques like advertisement and brand name to influence the product sales. New products help global organizations like Coca cola to face competitors in the local and global markets, it also helps them to increase customer relation in the product is targeted for particular market. Customers review plays a vital role in launching new products, for example coca cola launched vanilla flavoured coke as its new product, the organization learned from the feedback of customers it learned that the new product was not a success. Growth: it is a stage where sales of the product increases in the market. In late 20th century coca cola in India increased rapidly, one main factor which increased the sales is through growing awareness about the product to people. One main strategy they followed is through movies, as coca cola realised the popularity of movies in India, they placed their products in movies, showing celebrities drinking and enjoying, which boosted its sales. Maturity: is a stage, where products earn good profits and started helping its organization to grow. In 21st century Coca cola in India reached maturity level i.e. people are aware of this product throughout the country, people are recognizing the brand name and coke as a soft drink and other products by the organization. It today holds many customers mainly in summer it has many sales in the country. Decline: is a stage where the product reaches a stage where organization has to stop producing the product. For example vanilla flavoured coke is the product released by Coca cola which didnt gain the popularity from the people and failed to grow in the market, even though Coca cola used marketing strategies to improve the sales, customers didnt like the product so, it has to stop producing the product, however the original product coke is still on top and Coca cola uses many strategies and advertisements to keep the product on top. Some strategies used in product life cycle are, skimming price strategy in introduction stage, in growth stage many strategies are implement to grow the awareness of the product, maturity stage implements strategies to learn any new trends but lessens development of strategies on increasing awareness of the product. And in the final stage organizations implement strategies like cost-cutting, inventing new products or revitalizing the product.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Presentation of satire in Brave New World Essay -- essays research pap

Analyse the passage (John the Savage in the hospital); discern presentation of satire and how it is wrought. In Brave New World Huxley is targeting consumer, materialistic attitudes that existed in his time (and still do today) and extrapolating, then projecting them into the world that is the World State, to serve as a warning to society of the consequences of these attitudes. The passage in question is from Chapter XIV of Huxley’s Brave New World, and more specifically features the incident in which the ‘Savage’, John, visits his dying mother at a hospital, and subsequently instigates a riot because of soma, which he abhors. The drug, soma, in particular is emblematic in its pervasive influence into the World State, of the power of technology and ‘ignorance is bliss’ outlook over science and it’s ideal as a search for truth. Soma is embraced by the populace as a means of instant gratification, embodied by such hypnopaedic platitudes as ‘One cubic centimetre cures 10 gloomy sentiments’ or ‘A gramme is always better than a damn’, drilled into the subconscious of the people, having ‘heard the words repeated 150 times every night for 12 years’. ‘Christianity without tears’ is how Mustapha Mond describes soma, contrasting with the Savage’s view that ‘the tears are necessary’ as displayed in the passage. The first satirical irony of the passage is that John is indeed referred to as a ‘Savage’, whereas the model of humanity shown by John stemming from Shakespeare’s presentatio...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Terrorism - Its Time to Stop the War :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

It's Time to Stop the War Military measures intended to support the arrest of a terrorist have turned into a large-scale attack on several of the poorest countries in the world, as well as on their populations, which is tormented by hunger and poverty and threatened by uprooting and death. As little as the gap between rich and poor in the world was the cause of the murderous attack on Sept.11, all the more are the attacks against Afghanistan and the Philippines are deepening this gap and thereby multiplying reasons to hate the West and its civilization. In the future the West will be less identified with its best qualities, with democracy, a constitutional order and prosperity than with its shadowy sides, with a lack of respect, arbitrary acts and violence. With every bomb that falls and every western soldier who kills on Afghan soil, the rich part of this world closes its eyes to the suffering of the peoples in the south. Even the apparent successes presently do not change this. With its offensive the West is not only undermining the idea of a collective legal effort to counteract terror, but is also betraying its own principles. In the final analysis this undeclared war is no longer being waged to combat terrorism but rather to preserve a reputation of military invincibility. Finally, with every day that war is waged there and with every new security law passed here (in the western world) , that very freedom which is supposedly being defended is threatened and those refugees, who are the products of this military action and its consequences, are marginalized. On September 11, not only did thousands of people suffer an agonizing death, but even western civilization suffered a defeat. Those murdered in the attack will not be restored to life through the war against the Taliban.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comment Paper On Everything Th -- essays research papers

Everything That Rises Must Converge   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the story, “Everything That Rises Must Converge';; Flannery O’Conner uses a number of devices to make an organized plot. Causality, repetition, and structure all contribute in making the plot interesting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The exposition consumes the beginning of the story. This is important because it gives the reader a better understanding of the characters, and sets tones for causality. Being introduced first is Julian’s mother. Her attitude and actions are best described on page 207. It states, “ She sat forward and looked up and down the bus. It was half filled. Everybody was white. ‘I see we have the bus to ourselves.'; This allows the reader to assume that Julian’s mother is prejudice, and was most likely raised in that time era. A good example O’Conner uses to explain Julian is found on page 208. It states, “Most miraculous of all, instead of being blinded by love for her as she was for him, he had cut himself emotionally free of her and could see her with complete objectivity. He was not dominated by his mother.'; It is safe to assume Julian is a depressed son, who is perturbed with his mother and her old ways of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complications begin to arise after the reader has a good feel on who the characters are, which then leads to the climax of the story. Tension first arrives be...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Learning Materials Found in the National Library of Philippines

Last Saturday though the library is only open till 3pm, I manage to revisit the National Library with a special friend, even though I am very much familiar with the materials that this library use and have, I still push to go there to make a list of these things. As I enter the library, I notice that we first logged to the log book gave by the library guards, and these comes in my first list. I was not able to ask the guard the reason for this, but I am sure that this is a part of their security measure. For instance, on that day, something happened and all on the list that they have with the guard may be use as witness for it. Then, we went to luggage counter to deposit our bags. This is also their way to protect their library from thieves. If you are a first timer in this library, you are required to have a library I. D. Before, when it was my first time, with my classmates, we all pay for the ID, which is worth P50. 00, surprisingly; it is still worth like that. Before you can enter the library as visitor, but now my friend with me, they also require him to have an ID. As I was waiting for my friend to fill up his form in applying an ID for the library, something caught my attention. It was an old Catalog box filled with index cards with list of names and personal information. Then I thought of that maybe these are the ID cards of those who use to be here, just imagine how long this library is running. As we are waiting for the ID, the Elevator caught my attention. The last time we went here, I remember that we used it with my clan. At the right side of the elevator, there you can see the restroom for the user and the office of the personnel of the library. I believe that the office is air conditioned, because the dew and fog made by the air-con which is very visible because of the glass walls. As we go upstairs, students were checking on the computers set for the easy books access. This is the library I saw that uses this kind of technology. You can find here the information that can help you find the books that u need at ease. Once you type the idea of what you need in the book, the computer will give you list of different books, thesis, newspaper, magazines, dissertation and such that is related to your desired book. Aside from that, it will also give you the information about what stations you can find it, author, page, year and lots. If you listed the target books, you will next go to the stations that the computer gave you, for instance the General Books. This station generally composed of books like dictionaries, Bibles, Encyclopedias and such. Each station is air-conditioned but smells like old books. Aside from making the visitors feel comfortable, the main function of this is to take good care of the books, because high temperature will lessen the books’ life span. Each station have place for the visitor like reading stations. These composed of tables and chairs perfect if the book barrower needs a lot of time with the desired books he have. Next item that I have is the small piece of paper given by the library personnel. In this paper, you will write the information you got from the computers of you desired books. This will be given to the library personnel inside the book gallery which will be replaced by another paper containing the book number and book shell of your desired book. This makes the searching easier. Also I notice, in every stations we passed thru, there they have a mini museum of our national treasures and history memorabilia. Before I remember, it took my friends a lot of time here than searching for their books. Aside from that, they also have a photo copy station which becomes very useful during my research making last semester, although pages that are allowed to be copied are very limited. I am not really aware of what is the objective of me going here just to get a list again of the materials that the library have and use, but then I realize at the middle of my list I wrote books. The main reason why people go in a library is they have a need for a certain book, and library without a book in it is not a library. As I was there I also use that opportunity to also read about my present studies in my different subject as part of my advance study.